Webinar: Securing the Modern Workspace: What Enterprises MUST Know about Enterprise Browser Security


The browser is the nerve center of the modern workspace. Ironically, however, the browser is also one of the least protected threat surfaces of the modern enterprise. Traditional security tools provide little protection against browser-based threats, leaving organizations exposed. Modern cybersecurity requires a new approach based on the protection of the browser itself, which offers both security and frictionless deployment.

In an upcoming live webinar (Register here), Or Eshed, CEO of browser security company LayerX, and Christopher Smedberg, Director of Cybersecurity at Advance Publishing, will discuss the challenges facing modern enterprise in the new hybrid-work world, the gaps found in existing security solutions, and a new approach to securing the modern enterprise workspace, which is centered on the browser.

The browser is the key to the organization’s critical assets. It connects all organizational devices, identities, and SaaS and web applications. Forrester’s Workforce Study 2023 found that 83% of employees are able to accomplish all or the majority of their work within the browser. Similarly, Gartner predicts that by 2030, enterprise browsers will be the core platform for delivering workforce productivity and security.

The browser also has access to users’ online activities, stored credentials and sensitive data, making it an enticing choice for attackers. Yet, ironically, the browser is also one of the least protected threat surfaces of the modern enterprise. Organizations today face a wide range of security threats originating or occurring in the browser. These include:

The CISO’s security stack is packed with security tools. However, despite being told otherwise, these solutions cannot adequately protect against web-borne and browser-based threats. As a result, they leave CISOs with critical gaps that expose the organization to data loss and account takeovers.

For example:

The challenge: SWGs struggle with ‘zero-hour’ attacks/domains that are not in their database, as well as with attacks which use embedded elements (i.e., the URL is ‘clean’ but contains an embedded element which is not scanned by the gateway). They also cannot protect against threats that exploit web page timeouts.

The Challenge: CASBs provide partial protection against shadow SaaS (e.g., if it is not a pre-approved SaaS application), and cannot track user activity within the application (e.g., if uploading a sensitive file they’re not supposed to). They also struggle with some sites’ encryption (e.g., in-app encryption like WhatsApp, certificate pinning, etc.).

A browser-based approach is becoming essential to minimize risks employees are encountering on a daily basis. The main advantages of a browser security solution include:

There are three main types of browser security solutions:

Register to this webinar to get special insights and tidbits that will help you secure your modern workplace.


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