The Hidden Security Gaps in Your SaaS Apps: Are You Doing Due Diligence?


SaaS applications have become indispensable for organizations aiming to enhance productivity and streamline operations. However, the convenience and efficiency these applications offer come with inherent security risks, often leaving hidden gaps that can be exploited. Conducting thorough due diligence on SaaS apps is essential to identify and mitigate these risks, ensuring the protection of your organization’s sensitive data.

Due diligence is a critical step in evaluating the security capabilities of SaaS applications. It involves a comprehensive assessment of the app’s audit log events, system and activity audits, and integration capabilities to ensure proper logging and monitoring, helping to prevent costly incidents. Here are a few reasons why due diligence is non-negotiable:

Failing to perform due diligence can lead to severe consequences, including data breaches, unauthorized access, and compliance issues, all of which can be costly and damaging to an organization’s reputation.

Despite its importance, completing due diligence for SaaS applications is an often overlooked task due to several factors:

To simplify and expedite the due diligence process, AppOmni offers two essential resources: the Due Diligence Questionnaire (DDQ) and the SaaS Event Maturity Matrix (EMM). The DDQ was designed by security professionals to guide organizations in identifying critical gaps in audit logs, enabling them to develop a detailed plan – whether for due-diligence of an application or onboarding.

The EMM makes filling out the DDQ a breeze by providing a standardized framework for assessing and organizing SaaS audit logs. The EMM simplifies the tracking and analysis of security events across various platforms, ensuring that critical activities like logins, user changes, and security configurations can be logged and monitored effectively. Read the EMM Data Sheet for more details.

Together, the DDQ and EMM shine a light on the hidden risk in audit log inconsistencies enabling organizations to refine the audit logging functions of their SaaS platforms, allowing security teams to enhance threat detection and response actions.

The DDQ and EMM enhance organizations risk preparedness by helping them:

Uncover and address security gaps in your SaaS applications. Use the DDQ to help guide and develop a systematic approach for understanding security practices and monitoring SaaS application logs.

By leveraging the DDQ and EMM, organizations can streamline the due diligence process, identify and address security gaps, and enhance threat detection to take a risk-based approach to SaaS security management.


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