Overloaded with SIEM Alerts? Discover Effective Strategies in This Expert-Led Webinar


Imagine trying to find a needle in a haystack, but the haystack is on fire, and there are a million other needles you also need to find. That’s what dealing with security alerts can feel like.

SIEM was supposed to make this easier, but somewhere along the way, it became part of the problem. Too many alerts, too much noise, and not enough time to actually stop threats.

It’s time for a change. It’s time to reclaim control.

Join Zuri Cortez and Seth Geftic for an insightful webinar as they navigate the complexities of “Solving the SIEM Problem: A Hard Reset on Legacy Solutions.” They’ll share insider knowledge, battle-tested strategies, and a clear path to taming the SIEM beast in this informative session.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Don’t let security alerts drown you. Whether you’re a seasoned security professional or just starting your journey, this webinar is for you. Join us and discover how to transform your approach to security and build a safer future for your organization.


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