Beyond Threat Detection – A Race to Digital Security

Digital content is a double-edged sword, providing vast benefits while simultaneously posing significant threats to organizations across the globe. The sharing of digital content...

Apple Integrates OpenAI’s ChatGPT into Siri for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS

Apple has announced the launch of a "groundbreaking cloud intelligence system" called Private Cloud Compute (PCC) that's designed for processing artificial intelligence (AI) tasks...

Cybercriminals Employ PhantomLoader to Distribute SSLoad Malware

The nascent malware known as SSLoad is being delivered by means of a previously undocumented loader called PhantomLoader, according to findings from cybersecurity firm...

Microsoft Delays AI-Powered Recall Feature for Copilot+ PCs Amid Security Concerns

Microsoft on Thursday revealed that it's delaying the rollout of the controversial artificial intelligence (AI)-powered Recall feature for Copilot+ PCs.To that end, the company...

Singapore Police Extradites Malaysians Linked to Android Malware Fraud

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) has announced the extradition of two men from Malaysia for their alleged involvement in a mobile malware campaign targeting...

Mailcow Mail Server Flaws Expose Servers to Remote Code Execution

Two security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in the Mailcow open-source mail server suite that could be exploited by malicious actors to achieve arbitrary code...

Tool Overload: Why MSPs Are Still Drowning with Countless Cybersecurity Tools in 2024

As MSPs continue to be the backbone of IT security for numerous businesses, the array of tools at their disposal has grown exponentially. However,...

French Diplomatic Entities Targeted in Russian-Linked Cyber Attacks

State-sponsored actors with ties to Russia have been linked to targeted cyber attacks aimed at French diplomatic entities, the country's information security agency ANSSI...

‘Konfety’ Ad Fraud Uses 250+ Google Play Decoy Apps to Hide Malicious Twins

Details have emerged about a "massive ad fraud operation" that leverages hundreds of apps on the Google Play Store to perform a host of...

Navigating Insider Risks: Are your Employees Enabling External Threats?

Attacks on your network are often meticulously planned operations launched by sophisticated threats. Sometimes your technical fortifications provide a formidable challenge, and the attack...

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