Hardcoded Credential Vulnerability Found in SolarWinds Web Help Desk

SolarWinds has issued patches to address a new security flaw in its Web Help Desk (WHD) software that could allow remote unauthenticated users to...

Webinar: Experience the Power of a Must-Have All-in-One Cybersecurity Platform

Let's be honest. The world of cybersecurity feels like a constant war zone. You're bombarded by threats, scrambling to keep up with patches, and...

New PEAKLIGHT Dropper Deployed in Attacks Targeting Windows with Malicious Movie Downloads

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a never-before-seen dropper that serves as a conduit to launch next-stage malware with the ultimate goal of infecting Windows systems...

New Android Malware NGate Steals NFC Data to Clone Contactless Payment Cards

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered new Android malware that can relay victims' contactless payment data from physical credit and debit cards to an attacker-controlled device...

Unpacking Slack Hacks: 6 Ways to Protect Sensitive Data with Secure Collaboration

Nowadays, sensitive and critical data is traveling in everyday business channels that offer only the basic level of security and encryption, and companies are...

CTEM in the Spotlight: How Gartner’s New Categories Help to Manage Exposures

Want to know what's the latest and greatest in SecOps for 2024? Gartner's recently released Hype Cycle for Security Operations report takes important steps...

macOS Version of HZ RAT Backdoor Targets Chinese Messaging App Users

Users of Chinese instant messaging apps like DingTalk and WeChat are the target of an Apple macOS version of a backdoor named HZ RAT.The...

APT-C-60 Group Exploit WPS Office Flaw to Deploy SpyGlace Backdoor

A South Korea-aligned cyber espionage has been linked to the zero-day exploitation of a now-patched critical remote code execution flaw in Kingsoft WPS Office...

How AitM Phishing Attacks Bypass MFA and EDR—and How to Fight Back

Attackers are increasingly using new phishing toolkits (open-source, commercial, and criminal) to execute adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) attacks.AitM enables attackers to not just harvest credentials but...

North Korean Hackers Target Developers with Malicious npm Packages

Threat actors with ties to North Korea have been observed publishing a set of malicious packages to the npm registry, indicating "coordinated and relentless"...

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