Alert: Chinese-Speaking Hackers Pose as UAE Authority in Latest Smishing Wave

The Chinese-speaking threat actors behind Smishing Triad have been observed masquerading as the United Arab Emirates Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship to send...

Russian Hackers Using Fake Brand Sites to Spread DanaBot and StealC Malware

Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on a sophisticated information stealer campaign that impersonates legitimate brands to distribute malware like DanaBot and StealC.The activity cluster,...

Iranian Hackers Set Up New Network to Target U.S. Political Campaigns

Cybersecurity researchers have unearthed new network infrastructure set up by Iranian threat actors to support activities linked to the recent targeting of U.S. political...

Indian government proposes bill to ban cryptocurrencies

The Indian government will acquaint another bill with boycott exchanging and interests in digital forms of money during the Budget meeting of Parliament. Simultaneously,...

‘Konfety’ Ad Fraud Uses 250+ Google Play Decoy Apps to Hide Malicious Twins

Details have emerged about a "massive ad fraud operation" that leverages hundreds of apps on the Google Play Store to perform a host of...

Hackers target cryptocurrency users with new ElectroRAT malware

Intezer Labs said it discovered fake cryptocurrency apps laced with ElectroRAT, a replacement Go-based malware strain. Security firm Intezer Labs said it discovered a covert...

Cloudflare Breach: Nation-State Hackers Access Source Code and Internal Docs

Cloudflare has revealed that it was the target of a likely nation-state attack in which the threat actor leveraged stolen credentials to gain unauthorized...

Magento Sites Targeted with Sneaky Credit Card Skimmer via Swap Files

Threat actors have been observed using swap files in compromised websites to conceal a persistent credit card skimmer and harvest payment information.The sneaky technique,...

Malicious Android Apps Pose as Google, Instagram, WhatsApp, Spread via Smishing

Malicious Android apps masquerading as Google, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and X (formerly Twitter) have been observed to steal users' credentials from compromised devices."This malware...

Ransomware Attacks Exploit VMware ESXi Vulnerabilities in Alarming Pattern

Ransomware attacks targeting VMware ESXi infrastructure following an established pattern regardless of the file-encrypting malware deployed."Virtualization platforms are a core component of organizational IT...

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