NMAP : Tutorial

Network mapped (nmap) is a network scanning and host detection tool that is very useful in the course of numerous steps of penetration checking...

Flaw in Safari browser’s API lets local files be stolen

Being one of the major web browsers, Safari browser gets its fair share of scrutiny from cybersecurity professionals. In the latest, researcher Pawel Wylecial...

Deep Web : How To Access it ?

Introduction: There are many types of web ! but some of the main on which i will focus on my blog are: 1. Surface Web 2. Dark...

Burpsuite : How I Bypassed OTP!

How I bypassed the OTP ? This is only for the educational purpose. There are different ways by which we can try and bypass the login...

Metasploit : Mobile Hacking

Hack Smart Phone Using Kali(Remotely)   Hello Hackers, This is a tutorial explaining how to hack smart phones with kali. STEP 1: OPEN KALI/PARROT: # Open up your terminal...
google drive malware

The Weakness in Google Drive could let Hackers to install Malware in your PC

Attackers could exploit the weakness in Google Drive by distributing malicious files disguised as legitimate files or images. A system administrator A. Nikoci reported...

Shellphish : A Phishing Tool

Shellphish is a tool used for phishing attacks, this tool offers phishing templates of more than 18 famous websites. NOTICE: This article is for educational...

Beware! A New Linux Malware From Russian Hackers Is Stealing Data

The National Security Agency (NSA) and FBI have issued a warning against a new Linux malware dubbed “Drovorub” that is believed to have been...

235 million User Data of Instagram, TikTok and YouTube exposed online

Around 235 million users of Instagram, TikTok and YouTube were hit by a massive data leak, and the user data was available online. The security...

COVID’19 : “Paradise For Hackers”

Cyber attacks of all types have intensified during the Covid-19 pandemic, with hackers targeting public figures, banks, healthcare providers. because the rise in remote...

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