Grandoreiro Banking Trojan Resurfaces, Targeting Over 1,500 Banks Worldwide

The threat actors behind the Windows-based Grandoreiro banking trojan have returned in a global campaign since March 2024 following a law enforcement takedown in...

GHOSTENGINE Exploits Vulnerable Drivers to Disable EDRs in Cryptojacking Attack

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new cryptojacking campaign that employs vulnerable drivers to disable known security solutions (EDRs) and thwart detection in what's called...

Malicious npm Packages Found Using Image Files to Hide Backdoor Code

Cybersecurity researchers have identified two malicious packages on the npm package registry that concealed backdoor code to execute malicious commands sent from a remote...
Best Hacking Documentaries That You Should Watch Right Now

Best Hacking Documentaries That You Should Watch Right Now

In order to become an ethical hacker in the 21st century, you should know some coding laterally with good inspiration.

Politics in cyber security

Underplaying of recent cyber attacks in the US indicates politicians, rather than technocrats, taking a hand Amidst the panic and disorder caused by Covid-19, a...

Bugs in various chat apps let attackers spy on users

Vulnerabilities found in multiple video conferencing mobile applications allowed attackers to concentrate on users' surroundings without permission before the person on the opposite end...

Unpatched WordPress Plugin Code-Injection Bug Afflicts 50K Sites

An CRSF-to-stored-XSS security bug plagues 50,000 ‘Contact Form 7’ Style users. A security bug in Touch Form 7 Style, a WordPress plugin installed on over...

New Report: Unveiling the Threat of Malicious Browser Extensions

Compromising the browser is a high-return target for adversaries. Browser extensions, which are small software modules that are added to the browser and can...

Unveiling the Cyber Threats to Healthcare: Beyond the Myths

Let's begin with a thought-provoking question: among a credit card number, a social security number, and an Electronic Health Record (EHR), which commands the...

116 Malware Packages Found on PyPI Repository Infecting Windows and Linux Systems

Cybersecurity researchers have identified a set of 116 malicious packages on the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository that are designed to infect Windows and...

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