Over 800 npm Packages Found with Discrepancies, 18 Exploitable to ‘Manifest Confusion’

New research has discovered over 800 packages in the npm registry which have discrepancies from their registry entries, out of which 18 have been...

Attack Surface Management vs. Vulnerability Management

Attack surface management (ASM) and vulnerability management (VM) are often confused, and while they overlap, they're not the same. The main difference between attack...

How to Achieve the Best Risk-Based Alerting (Bye-Bye SIEM)

Are you aware of Network Detection and Response (NDR) and how it's become the most effective technology to detect cyber threats? NDR massively upgrades...

Canada Hacked : CRA Shuts Services

Vulnerability led the data of Canadian's accessed by the hackers in the form of cyber attacks Recently, the Canadian government Websites hit by a massive...

Hackers Exploiting Old MS Excel Vulnerability to Spread Agent Tesla Malware

Attackers are weaponizing an old Microsoft Office vulnerability as part of phishing campaigns to distribute a strain of malware called Agent Tesla.The infection chains...

New Tricks in the Phishing Playbook: Cloudflare Workers, HTML Smuggling, GenAI

Cybersecurity researchers are alerting of phishing campaigns that abuse Cloudflare Workers to serve phishing sites that are used to harvest users' credentials associated with...

Beware: Experts Reveal New Details on Zero-Click Outlook RCE Exploits

Technical details have emerged about two now-patched security flaws in Microsoft Windows that could be chained by threat actors to achieve remote code execution...

Ukrainian Institutions Targeted Using HATVIBE and CHERRYSPY Malware

The Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) has alerted of a spear-phishing campaign targeting a scientific research institution in the country with malware...

Hackers Demand ₹ 10 Crore From Ghaziabad Man, Blackmail Him: Police

Ghaziabad: A Ghaziabad man has been approached to settle up ₹ 10 crore by a gathering of programmers who have taken steps to course...

Hackney council hit by cyber attack

Committee has been hit by a digital assault which is influencing a considerable lot of its administrations and IT frameworks, the gathering has said. Civic...

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