
AI composes an Eurovision song

A song by the name "Blue Jeans and Bloody Tears" has been algorithmically generated by a deep learning cloud-based AI which was fed thousands...

Shellphish : A Phishing Tool

Shellphish is a tool used for phishing attacks, this tool offers phishing templates of more than 18 famous websites. NOTICE: This article is for educational...
Germany Politicians Hack

Hackers Leak Personal Data from Hundreds of German Politicians On Twitter

Germany has been hit with the biggest hack in its history. A group of unknown hackers has leaked highly...
play store

Google Play Store: A hub for spreading malware?

A report by Russian security firm Doctor Web has suggested that several of the Google Play Store's apps were spread malware known as "The...

Data of 108 Million Bets and User is Leaked by Online Casino Group

Security researcher Justine Paine discovered a data leak this week from an ElasticSearch server. The leak involved over 108 million bets and user data from...
Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet

Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet

If you’re lucky enough to find a command execution vulnerability during a penetration test, pretty soon afterward you’ll probably want an interactive shell. If it’s not possible...

Metasploit : Mobile Hacking

Hack Smart Phone Using Kali(Remotely)   Hello Hackers, This is a tutorial explaining how to hack smart phones with kali. STEP 1: OPEN KALI/PARROT: # Open up your terminal...

The First Ever Youtube Video Has Been Ruined: Here’s Why

The first-ever video that was uploaded to youtube has been ruined because of some hack which has taken place. The video’s description has been edited...
department of defense

Pentagon Impedes 36 Million Malicious Emails Each Day

The Defense Information Systems Agency conducts an assessment of DoD web browsing practices to determine the utility of bandwidths. The US navy spends around $160...

Setup Proxychains in Linux

What is Proxychains? Proxychains is a tool that forces any TCP connection made by any given application to go through proxies like TOR or any...

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