How Phishing Attacks Adapt Quickly to Capitalize on Current Events

In 2023, no fewer than 94 percent of businesses were impacted by phishing attacks, a 40 percent increase compared to the previous year, according...

Researchers Uncover Vulnerabilities in Solarman and Deye Solar Systems

Cybersecurity researchers have identified a number of security shortcomings in photovoltaic system management platforms operated by Chinese companies Solarman and Deye that could enable...

The AI Hangover is Here – The End of the Beginning

After a good year of sustained exuberance, the hangover is finally here. It's a gentle one (for now), as the market corrects the share...

FreeBSD Releases Urgent Patch for High-Severity OpenSSH Vulnerability

The maintainers of the FreeBSD Project have released security updates to address a high-severity flaw in OpenSSH that attackers could potentially exploit to execute...

Industrial Remote Access Tool Ewon Cosy+ Vulnerable to Root Access Attacks

Security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in the industrial remote access solution Ewon Cosy+ that could be abused to gain root privileges to the devices...

EastWind Attack Deploys PlugY and GrewApacha Backdoors Using Booby-Trapped LNK Files

The Russian government and IT organizations are the target of a new campaign that delivers a number of backdoors and trojans as part of...

Rogue PyPI Library Solana Users, Steals Blockchain Wallet Keys

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new malicious package on the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository that masquerades as a library from the Solana blockchain...

Researchers Uncover 10 Flaws in Google’s File Transfer Tool Quick Share

As many as 10 security flaws have been uncovered in Google's Quick Share data transfer utility for Android and Windows that could be assembled...

New Malware Hits 300,000 Users with Rogue Chrome and Edge Extensions

An ongoing, widespread malware campaign has been observed installing rogue Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge extensions via a trojan distributed via fake websites masquerading...

Microsoft Warns of Unpatched Office Vulnerability Leading to Data Breaches

Microsoft has disclosed an unpatched zero-day in Office that, if successfully exploited, could result in unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information to malicious actors.The vulnerability,...